Eye Wonder
Eye Wonder
The visual and musical show Eye Wonder was part of the "PY1 Nights" thematic experiences, showcasing local artists in a 360-degree immersive environment filled with electronic music, projections, and theatrical moments. It was presented in the PY1 Pyramid in Montreal during the summer of 2019 and in Arlington, Texas, in January and February 2020.
g2i1 https://player.vimeo.com/progressive_redirect/playback/442700025/rendition/1080p/file.mp4?loc=external&signature=3b71bab60b730dcfebe6d3dfe9f0567a979d6b51c598ff79f934307bf9d0a8ac
g20i1 https://player.vimeo.com/progressive_redirect/playback/917200903/rendition/1440p/file.mp4?loc=external&signature=06f7164ac6fb89758183e9ab34ca717f87f0524a4692a39920e5ffc555a66b11
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Show Team
Creative Producer
Guy Laliberté
Show Director
Gabriel Coutu-Dumont
Creative Director
Jean Guibert
Production Design, Architectural & Interior Design, Special Effects Developer
Video Content Producers
Silent Partners Studio
Lighting Designer
Cory Fitzgerald
Sound Designer
Jonathan Deans
Design of Kinetic Elements
Patrick O’Mahony
Design & Integration of Technological
Alexandre Barrette
Production Director
Michael Anderson
Lune Rouge Entertainment
SPS Team Leaders
Screen Producer
Janicke Morissette
Creative Directors
Gabriel Coutu-Dumont
Janicke Morissette
David Fafard
Claudine Boulanger